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  • AutorenbildCamilla

How my vegan journey started...

Aktualisiert: 15. Jan. 2019

All started with a surgery, an allergy and a detox phase afterwards. When a 30 day vegan meal plan changes your life into a vegan lifestyle that lasts.

My personal journey started with a pre-cancer diagnose back in December 2010, when the doctors told me I do need a surgery of my thyroid and lymph knots. To make a long story short … I got an medication allergy and they recommendated a medical detox to flushing out the toxins. I tried to educate myself about detoxing processes and organ relieve before taking more medications. At the end of my research I decided to try the 30 day challendge from Attila Hildmanns book "Vegan for Fit".

A 30 day vegan meal plan changed my life into a permanent vegan lifestyle. I never made a better desicion about my health.”

In the first few days of being on a strict vegan meal plan I was very stressed … new products, a lot of research, cleaning out the pantry, meal prepping and different tastes like soy yogurt. But I was sticking to the plan an after three weeks of being on a vegan diet, I desided to stay vegan. I felt so much healthier, had a lot more energy and I'm also able to reduce my carbonate footprint and protecting animals is a top priority.

After I went on a vegan lifestyle I felt a little lonely albeit my family were very supportive and open about veganism and meal swaps into vegan "versions". So I started to take pictures of my daily vegan food and shared them and a lot of other vegan stuff on my Instagram account to create my own community. Sometimes I am really overwhelmed how this community growth and still does. I think together we can make a difference and change the awareness of the people in our or at least make them think about their own behavior.

Writing a blog has been a dream of mine for a very long time, but I always doubted about that anyone ever would be interested in reading something I wrote. I have never dared to write a blog of my own, but over the years I received so much positive feedback on Instagram and inspired many people with my posts of vegan meals and travel. Due to that fact I thought maybe I should start to write about my own experiences in a blog?! So, now it's time for that.

My first article is now online and I am proud of sharing it with you and my family. For the future I hope that I am able to inspire a lot of other people to think about veganism and start taking care of their health and behavior. Let's build a community where everyone supports everyone!

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